Friday, August 9, 2013


Windows is a user-friendly GUI operating system. Windows is an upgraded version of DOS launched by Microsoft. The operating system is the "command central" of the computer system that it developed for PC users. It is the collection of programs which is used to run programs,read data from disks, display separate windows on the screen, manage the files, and print the document. A GUI- or Graphical User Interface-operating system is one that makes extensive use of on screen graphical image.The elementary blocks of windows are on-screen boxes, windows,sroll bars, and many more.

Limitation of computer

The limitations of computer are as follows :

  1. They do not have own thinking capacity
  2. They always need stored program for their functionality
  3. They need electrical power to operate
  4. An operator is requird to give instruction to the computer 

Importance of computer

Computer has following importances :

  • easy to access
  • provides quality output
  • very fast to process data
  • worldwide communication
  • have the capacity of using multimedia
  • storing vast data in a small space
  • searching and tabing opportunities globally etc
  • to keep account & to process result
  • to maintain students,teachers,staffs record
  • to hear music, watch movies etc
  • data processing,graphical designing, video conferencing

Computer Language

There are 2 types of computer languages. They are:
1. Low-level language
2. High-level language

1.Low-level language- A language in which each statement is directly translated into a single machine code is known as a low-level language.Assembly language is an example of low-level language.It has some demerits.The programmer should know the structure of the computer(architecture,instructions,etc.) in which we want to do programming.

2. High-level language - The programming language that is independant of the computer is referred as high-level language. It is problem oriented rather than computer oriented. The programmer does not need the knowledge of the architecture of the computer that is being used.

Computer Characteristics

The characteristics of computer are as follows:

1.Speed - The computer performs complex calculations at a very high speed. Because of this characteristic, they have been used in those fields (eg: satellite launching) where immediate results are expected. Generally, the speed of computer is measured in terms of seconds.
2.Storage - The storage characteristics of a computer has made it distinct from a calculator. A large amount of data can be stored in computer`s memory.
3. Automatic - Once we give an appropriate instruction, a computer can perform the operations automatically.
4. Accuracy - The result given by the computer will be extremely accurate. If a mistake occurs in any calculation, they are due to manual errors like feeding wrong data or mistake in the instructions given.
5. Diligence - A computer is capable of performing the required task repetitvely without affecting its speed,accuracy and efficiency.
6. Versatility - The computer is a versatile device. The operations performed by them are very flexible. It has a wide range of application areas.

Computer Generation

There are five generations of computers. They are as follows :

1. First Generation Computers:
   They were developed during 1946 to 1958. They used Vaccum Tubes as the electronic devices for their hardware implementation. So these computers were very large.For ex: ENIAC used 19000, vacuum tubes , 7000 registers etc.

2. Second Generation Computers:
    The invention of semiconductor transistors by the three physicists John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shookley at Bell Laboratory had made a big revolution in the field of electronics. The transistors replaced the vacuum tubes of the first generation computers.

3.Third Generation Computers:
  The technological advancement responsible for the emergence of the third generation computers were Integrated Circuit(IC). An IC is an electronic circuit with a large number of components built on a small silicon chip.

4.Fourth Generation Computers:
   The developed of VLSI(Very Large Scale Integration) circuits. VHSIC(Very High Speed Integrated) circuits and microprocessor enhanced the performance of fourth generation computers.The first microprocessor was developed by American Intel Corporation in 1971.

5.Fifth Generation Computers(1991-Present)
   After 1990, a new generation of computers called the fifth generation has been under development stage. Leading countries for these computers are EC, Japan and USA, they have been undertaking different projects to design fifth generation computers.

Types of Memory

There are basically 3 types of memory. They are :
1. Primary Memory - Primary Memory operates at electronic speeds. CPU can directly access the program stored in the primary memory.It consists of a large number of semiconductor storage cells. Each cell is capable of storing one bit of information.Ex- RAM
2.Secondary Memory - This memory type is much larger in capacity and also much slower than the main memory. Secondary memory stores system programs, large data files and the information which is not regularly used by the CPU. Examples for secondary memory devices are magnetic hard disks and CD-ROMs.
3.Cache Memory - The performance of a computer system will be severely affected if the speed disparity between the processor and the main memory is significant. The system performane can be improved by placing a small, fast acting buffer memory between the processor and the main memory. This buffer memory is called as cache memory.

Operating System

Operating System is a System Software or set of system programs which provides an environment to help the user to execute the programs. The Operating System is a resource manager which allocates and manages various resources like processors, main memory, input/output devices and information on secondary storage devices.

Functions of Operating System are as follows:

  1. Processor management
  2. Memory management
  3. Input and Output management
  4. File system management
  5. Establishment and enforcement of a priority system


Software are that parts of the computer which can be used to make computer work. There are 2 types of software. They are as follows:
1.System Software
2.Application Software
1. System Software are those which are already inbuilt in computer system.Some examples of system software are used for making the hardware part useful. Some examples of system software are windows xp, window 7 and many others
2.Application Software are those which can be added to the computer.


Hardware is one of the most important parts of computer. It is the physical part of the computer. Hardware parts of the computer are inter-rellated with each other. Some of the important hardware parts of the computer are as follows:
And many others....
1. Monitor is the main important hardware. It shows the output. We can see the output on the monitor.It displays what we give input from the keyboard.
2.CPU is another important harware parts of the computer. It consists of three parts. They are - Control unit , Memory unit , arithmethical & logical unit. The control unit is the main part which controls the whole parts of the computer. Everything in the computer works according to control unit. The memory unit is that part of the computer where datas are stored.ALU is that part where arithmethical calculations & logical works are done.
3.Keyboard is the input device through which we can sent insert datas or write something which displays on monitor.
4.Printer is the output device through which we can get the datas or images on a plane sheet of paper.
5.Mouse is also an input device through which we can select any parts of the computer by moving its cursor.
6. Scanner is the device through which we can get the digital image of a printed image.